Monday, March 16, 2015

farewell : breath out

 nearly a whole year of no blogging or reading blogs
i miss it in a way but my life is full now in other ways
its been a special 12 months
i feel incredibly blessed & thank God for all that surrounds me
for my boys .... for my family, for my village
for the opportunity to do what i love
and i really really love teaching art in my little studio
there has now been a whole school year of littlesmARTysstudio art classes
my cup runneth over
 plenty of colour : shape : line : tone

 rainbows rule
life is a rainbow
 there have been....
times to dance
times to rest
times to be together
times to build others up
times to grieve
times of frustration
times to celebrate
times to question
times of no resolve
times of emotional investment
times to stand tall & show strength
times to be thankful
times of grave sadness
times to learn and grow
times to play
times of incredible gratitude

 way back when i started writing this blog
i was a SAHM & i was looking at getting back into sewing
blogging helped me find that groove
it helped me find some new friends
it was a community
we were living in another home back then
since, lots has changed
i've always made a point to be sure to
and so this blogging journey has come to an end
way back, i was searching for that 'something'
that makes you feel grounded
where you know you are home
where you are part of a village
when you 'click' with an emotional investment

 that searching journey led me to look outside
the places we had held dear as 'home'
full circle ....
now i have a much stronger focus on our village
we all find it in different places
for us it is our church family
and our friends close and not so

our inner village are those we spend our days with
the people we share meals and time with
those we are #doinglifetogether with
the last 12months have seen milestones
little and big
some sadness and joy
thanks for sharing the journey of these blogging days of my life...
 time for new rainbows to follow
i'm over on instagram as littlesmartysstudio
or on facebook as 

i'm planning on my adventuring in my teaching
and a greater time investment in my own art works
both in painting & ceramics

 i love my village
we all need a village
no one can walk this earth alone
we need backup encouragement
understanding love care compassion
we need people to walk beside us
to pray with us
when we pray God hears more than we say
answers more than we ask
gives more than we imagine
in his own time
and in his own way
 so this is kind of a "hello again"
and in the next breath it is a 

"may the road rise to meet you
may the wind be always at your back
may the sun shine warm upon your face
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again
may God hold you in the palm of his hand"