Friday, July 19, 2013

thrifty finds

haven't been out scanning the op shops lately
as i usually end up finding great things
that i just 'have' to have ...
mmmm .... went this week
found awesome things
that i just 'had' to have!
could hardly believe my eyes when i spotted that metal tree
i have always loved that design
given a few as gifts & have a huge wooden one
also another brown - made in Belgium jar
ooooh .... goodness
also my wonderful bloggy friend Bron
found me one of these:
 squeal ...... its aqua & is stunning
& its really large ....
& looks just perfect sitting next to its friend
oh & an addition to my collection
thanks Bron you rock!


Hey ... I adore hearing from my lovely readers .... thanks so much for stopping by .... Cheers