Thursday, July 18, 2013

sewing for me

been squirrelling away on a couple of 
secret crafty projects
... stay tuned for those to be revealed
but i have been consistently 
sewing some clothes for me
slightly addicted to the idea actually

the fabric has quite the story
& to be honest I really didn't like it much on me
at first
it has since grown on me
& i've styled it my way
the neck piece has another travel story to it
found in an amazing bazaar in zimbabwe
when i went there on a craft teaching mission trip
its actually ethiopian i think
i'd love to know more about it
how items end up in 'other' places  facinates me
so seems a fitting accessory to pair with a fabric from remote china
to be worn by an australian who was born in switzerland
joining in with
make it wear it


  1. Love how you have styled it Wendy. Cute!

  2. See, you were wrong - it just needed the right accessories and styling.
    Looks great - and it has quite a story to tell that outfit!


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